Landing @ St Paul's Collegiate School
Itinerant Music Lessons 2025
Students can find the itinerant music timetable here.
Wellbeing Toolkit
If you are finding things tough, feeling stuck or want to improve your overall wellbeing, take some time to browse through our Wellbeing Toolkit.
Student Study Guide
Studying can be very overwhelming, but it does not have to be. Often teachers seem to expect you to do hours of studying for weeks in advance of exams. We recommend having a plan and sticking to it. The academic prefect group has put together a student study guide here.
Mission, Outreach & Service
To create opportunities for students at St Paul’s Collegiate School which are life-giving, life changing as well is having a positive impact upon those whom they seek to serve. The consistent objective in all of our service programs is to ensure that they are transformational: life changing for our students in order to inspire them to continue to serve their community in whatever shape or form that might take in the future.
For more information on mission, outreach & service visit the information site here.
Tertiary Scholarship Applications / Testimonial
The following site has been set up to aid students wishing to apply for scholarships or get a testimonial from the school. Please use this link to access the site.
IT Support Guides for Students:
Technical Support Office:
The Technical Support Office is based downstairs in B Block next to the tuck shop.
Student Computer User Agreement:
All users of the school network must have agreed to the terms stated in the agreement located here: Computer User Agreement.